Welcome to the something new challenge!  Over the past several months, I’ve leisurely tried new things, and it’s been great fun.  When I felt like eating something new, trying a new exercise, or traveling to a new place, I did.  But, I’d like to take this journey a step further and list some goals for myself – somethings new that will make my life even fuller.  Hopefully, some of these things will become part of my daily life.  I’ve started a list below, and I’m sure I’ll add to it as time goes on. 

  1. Begin regular yoga practice
  2. Eat vegan for 1 week
  3. Try 1 new recipe a day for 1 week
  4. Learn a new language
  5. Visit a different neighborhood of NYC every day for a week
  6. Visit 3 museums in NY in 1 week
  7. Take a wine tasting class
  8. Volunteer
  9. Plan 5 unique, romantic dates for my husband and me
  10. Travel to 5 new places
  11. Try a new cuisine
  12. Get in bed by 11 p.m. every weeknight for 1 week (believe me – this is a tremendous challenge)
  13. Avoid all foods with artificial sweeteners for 1 week
  14. Read 1 new book at least every other week
  15. Learn about and begin practicing meditation
  16. Scrapbook my wedding
  17. Get up and watch Saturday morning cartoons one day
  18. Celebrate Christmas in July
  19. Try 3 new (to me) NYC restaurants in one week
  20. Shop at a farmer’s market

This list should keep me busy for a while!